may 30th, 2014
[due date]
I woke up having contractions. The contractions are close to enough together to send a text to my doula (and friend) Ashley. I had a regular follow up appointment with the midwife at 11:00am and didn't see the need to go into the hospital before then. One thing was for sure: those meager contractions were replaced with stronger ones.
Midwife appointment time. I distinctly remember two very loud, obnoxious women talking in the waiting area. It was as though they didn't grow up knowing the phrase "inside voices" and I began scolding them in my head. Which then turned into very quietly whispering "shut up" when I felt a contraction coming on. Ashley met us there and sat in during our appointment. I was dilated to 2. Just 2. There was nothing to be done but wait. I could be pregnant for another few days or another week. Needless to say, I was discouraged and just wanted to finally hold you.
I was pretty quiet the remainder of the day. So much pain already and nothing to show for it. Or so I felt. Daddy and Ashley were constantly reminding me that every little amount of pain counted and you was closer to arriving. I wanted to believe that and recited that to myself plenty of times. Ammie & Papa booked a flight and lodging for that night. they would arrive in Nashville around 6:00pm and I was over the moon to hear that. I slept for most of this day. I woke up wanting french fries and plenty of distraction. I didn't want to talk about that morning. I wanted to forget about it and go on like it never happened.
We visited friends again after stopping at Fat Mo's (pretty much the best drive-thru fries and shake I've ever tasted in my existence thus far) for french fries and a chocolate shake. I had more contractions but in efforts to keep everyone calm, I held my breath through them and tried hard not to draw attention. I knew it was nothing and there was no reason to alarm anyone. I couldn't let another false alarm happen.
Papa & Ammie arrive at our house. I instantly felt better. I knew everything was going to be okay. We visited with them as I went through a few light contractions on the birth ball. They left around 10:30pm and after, something changed. The contractions I was feeling changed, yet again, in intensity. I lost my mucus plug (ew, gross. but hey, we ARE talking about birth here). Took another long bath (and definitely not the last) then opted to get some rest.
By the time I fell asleep, it was close to midnight. My due date had come and gone.
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