Monday, April 06, 2015

My Thoughts + Your Gibberish

My darling girl,

I was sitting in your bedroom watching you play in your crib and thinking about the meaning of each gibberish word you said. You're so confident in what you're trying to communicate. You look at me as if I should know. I feel like the phrase, "Duh, Mom" is not far off from your word-bank. I look forward to the conversations we'll have one day. When you start learning about the world around you and the people in it. It's going to be wild and great.

I feel as though these days of you pleasantly playing in your crib are numbered. You will soon be walking and running and this crib will not be able to contain your busyness. It's hard not to harp on your rapid growth. It's probably all I talk about. You are probably all I talk about. You're kind of my life right now. You encompass every aspect of who I am, what I do, how I live. Motherhood is wild. Truly a rude awakening for selfishness. It kind of automatically takes over. One day soon, I'll start to discover who I am again apart from you. Who I want to be, what I'd like to do and pursue for myself. To be honest, it's a little terrifying and slightly overwhelming to think about but I'm looking forward to it just the same.

In the meantime, I'm relishing every moment I have with you. Being with you 24/7 is such an honor, Gem. A lot of mothers wish they could do the same for their babes. I'm so thankful that we are able to have this time to build our special bond. You are so dear to me and the love I have for you has no end. You are my precious gem.


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